Private Information Is The Pot Of Gold!!

Rohma Ali
3 min readMay 19, 2020
12 ways to protect your phone from cyber attack

Humans are private by nature. We may share an inspiring article or photos from a fun trip, but we keep our sensitive data under wraps. Now imagine if a stranger had free access to, and total control of, your mobile device. All of your personal information, including contacts, emails, payment info, and passwords are exposed. That private information is the pot of gold that cybercriminals are always on the hunt for. Below are some tips you should follow to increase phone security.


-*Always secure your smartphone with a strong password (don’t use date of births or your name as a password)
-*Ensure that your device locks itself automatically (Always set minimum time for auto lock)
-*Install security software ( if you install apps outside of the Google Play store, so running an Android antivirus app is one way to keep yourself safe. Our pick of the best is Bitdefender).

-*Use two factor authentication where ever possible (decreases the probability that an attacker can impersonate a user and gain access to computers, accounts or other sensitive resources).
-*Only download apps from approved sources (third party apps contains malwares such malware could enable someone to take control of your device. It might give hackers access to your contacts, passwords, and financial accounts).
-*Check and manage your apps permissions(You can change the permissions that apps can access in the main Settings app on your device at any time. Keep in mind turning off permissions may cause apps on your device to lose functionality).
-*Don’t miss operating system updates(Update the operating system to prevent security compromises).

-*Ignore spam and phishing emails (it may steal login credentials and other personal data)

-*Know where your apps come from (Always check the source because most of the third party apps contains malwares try not to download any app other than google playstore.)
-*Be wary of any links you receive via email or text message (Do not open such links from unknown person look for “https” instead of “http”.)
-*Turn off automatic Wi-Fi connection ( Mobile Wi-Fi devices can easily be tracked between locations, leaking network names that can reveal information about the owner. For anyone not wanting their device to broadcast where they work or have been recently, this can be both a privacy and security issue)
-*When browsing or shopping on your phone (or computer), always look for “https” in the url instead of “http”.


There is no single solution to secure your smartphone from hackers, the key is to practice as many best practices as you can, as often as you can, to keep your bases covered.



Rohma Ali

Web development/ PHP Laravel / Python/ Adobe illustrator/ Adobe XD